To change or restore the password of your photo album:

  1. Go to your profile page, photos, albums.
  2. Select the album with a password to open it.
  3. Select Edit Album.
  4. From the password field, you can see the current password, and you can change it. 
  5. If you chose to change your password you have to click done before you leave the album.

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Full Article · Categories HOW TO / · Tags password, photos, albums

There are quite a few ways to post your photos on Just Nudism, we will go over some of them here:

1- Posting a photo on your albums:

  • Go to your profile
  • Go to photos
  • Choose Upload photos
  • If you haven't created an album yet, the system will lead you to create an album.

2- Posting a photo on the profile newsfeed:

  • Go to your profile
  • Go to My Timeline
  • Click inside the box where it says (What's happening), an icon for a photo will be shown
  • You can add your picture directly from there.

3- Posting a photo on the community newsfeed:

  • Go to the community page
  • Click inside the box where it says (What's happening), an icon for a photo will be shown
  • You can add your picture directly from there.

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Full Article · Categories HOW TO / · Tags photos

To post a photo on the community page, you have 3 ways to do that:

  • Go to the Community page, then to Community Feed, click inside the field as you are trying to write something, a photo icon will show, you can select photo, upload your desired photo, you also can add your comment or keep it empty if you wish. (You can upload one picture per post)

  • Go to your profile page, then MY TIMELINE, click inside the field as you are trying to write something, a photo icon will show, you can select photo, upload your desired photo, you also can add your comment or keep it empty if you wish. (You can upload one picture per post)

  • Go to your Dashboard page, then go to My Feed, click inside the field as you are trying to write something, a photo icon will show, you can select photo, upload your desired photo, you also can add your comment or keep it empty if you wish. (You can upload one picture per post)

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Password protected photo
Password protected photo
Password protected photo