Don't you wish public nudity was a normal thing. Where someone could see a naked body and still appreciate someone’s body but have it be as normal as seeing someone in a bathing suit.
AlanTotally agree with your sentiments, at least in some parts of the world the right to being naked in public spaces such as parks, on hikes or even in ones own garden is now protected by legislation, it's a start albeit a slow one)) Cheers to one and all from a very sunny morning in Barcelona, Spain where nudity is legal everywhere.Totally agree with your sentiments, at least in some parts of the world the right to being naked in public spaces such as parks, on hikes or even in ones own garden is now protected by legislation, it...See more
DrunklykmeI have been pretty lucky that I can be naked in my yard and neighbors don't seem to mind. I don't think most do as long as your not being lewd. I've been a nudist since I was 15. My parents neighbor didn't complain. During my 1st marriage, the neighbors at that house didn't complain. How great would it be to go to the store, post office or bar nude!!!I have been pretty lucky that I can be naked in my yard and neighbors don't seem to mind. I don't think most do as long as your not being lewd. I've been a nudist since I was 15. My parents neighbor d...See more
JobugI do think public nudity, well like in my yard, at the beach, on hiking trails, at camping sites etc. should be as normal as wearing clothes. I am nude most of the time. Have friends who don't mind, and in fact are willing for me to be nude at their property where the nude people (me) can be together with the clothed people (them) without shame or ridicule. So how can we work on making public nudity normal and acceptable?I do think public nudity, well like in my yard, at the beach, on hiking trails, at camping sites etc. should be as normal as wearing clothes. I am nude most of the time. Have friends who don't mind, a...See more
AquaSquatchAlthough I would like it if public nudity was normal, and acceptable. I do wonder what daily tasks would one prefer to do nude, as opposed to wearing clothing? There has been many a times when I wished I could just do laundry, nude at the laundromat. Nude in parks, at beaches, or pools would be great also, but I don't really see a need for nudity in stores, or public service areas (such as the post office). Sometimes you just need pockets!Although I would like it if public nudity was normal, and acceptable. I do wonder what daily tasks would one prefer to do nude, as opposed to wearing clothing? There has been many a times when I wishe...See more
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